Lincoln at a Glance

April 15th – 20th

Your Weekly Motivation

Welcome back to Lincoln at a Glance! Each passing week, I find fewer and fewer ways to stall you all with this useless introductory paragraph. This really just serves as a roadblock as to not make it too easy for you to get information about the upcoming week. As long as I can keep thinking of things, the longer I can keep my job. I can only assume you’re feeling the same this far into the school year. If you’re looking for some extra motivation, just remember, if I can keep this going week after week, then so can you! Let’s push forward and keep SOARING all the way to the end of the semester! We’re proud of all of you and our students!

Read on to hear more about this awesome week!

Lincoln at a Glance

  • Health Week (Apr. 15th – 19th)
  • 6th Grade SOAR Assembly (Apr. 16th, 10:45am)
  • Little Abe Assembly (Apr. 17th)
    • K-1st: 8:10-8:25 am
    • 2nd-3rd: 8:35-8:50 am
    • 4th-5th: 9:00-9:15 am
  • Health Week Assembly K-5 (Apr. 19th, 8:30am)
  • JH Super Iexcell (Apr. 19th, 9:30-12:00)
  • Month of the Military Child (Wear purple on Apr. 17th)
  • Art Showcase (May 6th)
  • Color run (Apr. 25th)
  • JH Events

House Keeping

Spring is upon us, and the temperature is starting to warm up. Beginning Monday, April 15th, each day before school starts, the students will be lining up in the back of the school. This will be the same procedure the student did in the fall. There will be supervision in the back while the students play and wait for the bell to ring. Please send a jacket with your student.

We’ll plan on being outside the rest of the year unless there is inclement weather.

Monthly Calendar

This calendar is interactable. On mobile, turn phone sideways for better view of events. Feel free to add this calendar to yours by clicking on the bottom right corner.

Health Week (Apr. 15th – 19th)


For our upcoming Health Week, we plan to use the BREATH acronym from Primary Childrens’ hospital as our daily focus points.

(Mon) Breath: Lung health; Box breathing, clean air intake can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy, boost immunity, lower blood pressure & improve circulation, help manage pain, strengthen lungs, improve mood and self-esteem, release toxins, improve sleep. Harm in Vaping/drugs is real. Video QR code. (Chalk art outside)

Challenge: choose two words for your intention.
Goal: Breath intentionally ie: Inhale Kind/ Exhale Resilient

(Tues) Reflections: Skin and eye health; Careful thinking. "I am" affirmation statements, body image, Identity, mirrors, Reflection is the process which helps you gain insight & learn lessons that lead to improvements/positive outcomes. Think intentionally clean & clear not inaccurate or harmful thoughts. (sunglasses outside JH assembly School Nurse)11am

Challenge: Share Post it notes of affirmation & find one to take home on Friday
Goal: Recognize value & Reach others

(Wed) Emotions:  Heart health: pump circulation, regulation resiliency/to withstand and recover quickly, spring back and be flexible. Create a support network, know things will change, think positively, Laugh, and make daily adjustments. Take brain brakes and strike a yoga pose. Give Self-hugs & fist bumps + Music in halls. Grow from difficulties.
Try a Sun salutation & warrior stance & dragonfly twist.
1. Remember/release past
2. Positively think toward future
3. Live in the present

Challenge: Make a list of your own trusted network.
Goal: Self-regulate with a positive attitude

(Thurs) Attention: Brain health; being mindful in the present moment, have full attention with acceptance and focusing. Have a nonjudgmental attitude, being curious. Practice impulse control. Relate to others. Use behavior activation skills. Take cues. Sleep affects attention. Try a mindful exercise ie: clouds float by, leaf in a stream flows past, worry rocks skipped on a lake bounce, blowing troubles like bubbles away.  A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body.

Challenge: notice and take care of important things. (nice hair)
Goal: Be Mindful & focused

(Fri) Tenderness/Thankfulness: (Hands & Feet) health; tenderness is rooted in affection. interpersonal kindness, text boundaries, self-compassion, in tune to what we need rather than what we must do. acceptance & peace, know your value, we tend to give
compliments to those we care about. Mistakes = learning opportunities. “We are less anxious when we know our very specific needs will be met, we feel even better when we know our needs will be exceeded by someone who is pleased to love us.” Campbell

Challenge: Show kindness give 7 compliments (Elementary assembly with Melanie Ward LCSW from IHC Primary Childrens new hospital) 8:30-9am
Goal: Tenderly care for our Lincoln Family 

Habits for life: Whole self; make healthy choices daily. Eat 5-7 vegetables, drink 8 cups of water, sleep 8-10hr. Cleanse inside & out. Wash hands. Receive good & Release what does not serve you. Be gracious. Be in control of one’s own mind and body.

Month of the Military Child (Apr. 17th)

Arts Showcase (May 6th)

3rd Annual Color Run – (Apr. 25th)

The Lincoln Fundraising Committee is excited to announce that the 3rd annual Color Run is coming up soon! Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 4-5:30 PM. Make sure to wear white! The race will be held at Lincoln Academy.  The race route is in the area around our school, including the Murdock Trail and then through the neighborhoods and back to the school. More details, plus a map will be out soon! The cost to race is $15. This is our big spring fundraiser so we encourage you to come and have fun and help raise money for our school at the same time! To register for this event and be eligible for the winning prizes, please click the link below:

We can’t do this event without volunteers, so we will be sending out a Sign Up Genius soon, please watch for that! We appreciate your help!

Vendors! If you are interested, we are offering spaces for you to promote your business. Vendor space is $100 and goes towards raising money for the school. Setup for the vendors will be at 3:30 and the event goes until 5:30. This is a great way to get the word out about your business. You’ll be given a 10ft x10ft. area. If you are interested in a vendor booth, please email



Q: Does everyone who runs the race need to pay?

A: Yes

Q: Do we need to pay if we aren’t running and just want to attend the event?

A: Nope! Just come and cheer on your runners!

Q: What do I get with my race fee?

A: You get 1 free pack of colored chalk to throw and a white bandana or scrunchie while supplies last.

Q: Can I buy more colored chalk?

A: Yes, we will be selling extra chalk packets for $2 each during the event.

Q: Can I just drop off my kids?

A: No. Parental supervision is required during the event, however you do not have to run the actual race with them, feel free to just be at the finish line cheering them on!

Q: How do we know what the race route is exactly?

A: We will have 18 volunteers on this route who will be wearing bright orange shirts so you can watch for them and they’ll direct you where to go.

If we missed any questions you might have, please email

Junior High Events

  • JH Boys Volleyball Game – Apr. 15th, 4-6pm at North Star Academy
  • JH Boys Volleyball Game – Apr. 17th, 4-6pm at LPA
  • JH girls Soccer Game – Apr. 17th, 4-5pm at 9062 S. 2200 W, West Jordan
  • JH Boys Volleyball Game – Apr. 18th, 4-6pm at Lincoln
  • JH Girls Soccer Game – Apr. 18th, 4-5pm at Osier Park
  • JH Super Iexcell – apr. 19th, 9:30am – 12pm
  • XC Race – Apr. 19th, 4:30-5:30pm at American Leadership Academy
    • Girls 4:30
    • Boys 5:00

Not Finding What You Need?

We want to make communication between our school and our parents as seamless as possible. If there are any events or details that have been missed, please let us know below! *Please include your email if you expect a response.

Thank You All and Good Luck!