Thane Bingham

Health/Fitness, Science

My classroom consists of teacher guided, student lead discussion and debate, use of technology (research and projects), a safe environment, respect for differing views and opinions. I enjoy teaching subjects where students learn by employing the Socratic Method ie: a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas.
This will be my tenth year teaching in the Junior High. I will be teaching 7th grade Science with Mrs. Whitworth, as well as US History. I will also be teaching P.E. classes this year.
In U.S. History, we will study the beginnings of civilizations in America, from the American Indians, explorers, colonization, Revolution, industrialization through the Civil War.
I also help coach the basketball teams at Lincoln. It is one of the most satisfying jobs because of the commitment, progress and unity that the students gain throughout the year. It is my hope that each student that comes into my classroom will develop the same unity and love of learning.
I love to cook (especially Dutch Oven); I enjoy most sports (especially golf) and am an avid BYU fan. My greatest love is traveling. I enjoy seeing new places and revisiting old places. I have been fortunate enough to visit several beautiful countries around the world. Wherever you go, look around and ask questions, it is history.
My door is always open, please feel free to visit and discuss your student or any concerns that you might have.