Carpool Reminders

Thank you for your continued help with carpool this school year. Carpool guidelines exist to ensure student and staff safety, as well as move vehicles through the parking lot as efficiently as possible. We’ve had some close calls recently during morning drop-off, endangering both pedestrians and vehicles, and need to ask for your renewed attentiveness and cooperation. Staff members are watching multiple points in the parking lot and/or street, and are doing their best to direct you the way they should. We appreciate your particular consideration of the following:

  • Crosswalk – Please do not encroach upon the crosswalk when the crossing guard and students are in it. Maintain a good distance until it is completely clear. Due to high pedestrian and vehicle congestion in the crosswalk area, please follow the right turn only rule as you exit the parking lot. Do not drop students off on the north side of the street, in front of the school. An increase of vehicles doing this is adding to the congestion and affecting safety at the crosswalk.
  • Parking Lot – please be watchful for staff in the parking lot and stop when that indication is given. When directed, please pull all the way forward.